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Ipad Pro (2020) Impressions

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Hey guys welcome back. You are probably here because you're stuck at home and want to do something that interests you. You're in luck because today I've got something important to share, the new Ipad Pro.

Apple has released some news about a potential upgrade to the 2018 Ipad Pro. They are clearly not relaxing even with the horrid state of the world. They are stilling releasing products with a slight difference. There wasn't an event like usual but the information was released digitally. With all that information I think we are ready to get started.

The Keyboard

Image Credit : The Verge

The keyboard on the 2018 Ipad was a major reason why many customers struggled to abandon their Macs for the Ipad, but it seems as if Apple have acknowledged this criticism as come out better than before with their new keyboard. On the new keyboard they have added a track pad for increased functionality and might be the deciding factor for future customers. The keyboard magnetically attaches to the Ipad making it look as if the Ipad is floating. I am really excited about this new design and cant wait for it when it comes in May, but unfortunately there is still concern. On Apple's promotional video when the keyboard was being used it was only placed on flat surfaces. My worry arose when I thought on how it would be used on someones lap as there seems to be a clear difference in weight distribution. Would it fall backwards, would it not be steady? I had so many questions in my mind but I later came to the conclusion that i'll just wait and see until the official release.


Excluding the AR benefits, there isn't a big difference between the 2018 model and the 2020 one. Starting off, the main 12 megapixel sensor on the new iPad Pro is the same sensor included in the previous model, In this sense, there are no differences, and on its own offers no tangible improvements.

However, the second sensor is a big deal as it is an ultra-wide solution and this means users will be able to take wider shots using their iPad. For example, when looking to include more family members in a family photo. The same is true for those using an iPad for work with the wider capturing field leading in more of the room/ product included in the frame. Basically, the second camera will let the iPad Pro capture twice as much horizontal information as it did before. There are some additional differences that specifically relate to video capturing that are worth knowing. For example, the new setup can capture 4K video at either 24, 30, and 60 fps. The previous iPad Pro limits 4K video recordings to either 30 or 60 fps. In addition, slo-mo video support now extends to 1080p at 120 or 240 fps, instead of just the 240 fps with the older iPad Pro.

That;s all for now. I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope to see you soon. Don't forget to subscribe. Peace.

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